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The Red Ties of Love


I stand in ruins

and from here I call my love

only if thy can hear

for I knew it was destined to meet

on sudden the sky is painted amaranthine

Is it the twilight

and I walk into your sight

what's this holding us

Is it Mususbi's play

once entangled

that now strengthen us

The red strings of love

-own reflection of anime"Your Name"

These red strings have a very philosophical meaning something beyond our mundane grasp, it enunciates in a manner according to which "Two people who are connected in this way are bound together by Fate itself. Sooner or later, they are destined to meet, no matter how far apart they live or how much their life circumstances differ. And, when it happens - that encounter is certain to profoundly affect both of them. The strings can sometimes stretch and become tangled, which could postpone the fateful meeting. But these ties could entangled but will never be broken." Though things like this so celestial are not easily visible, until you race yourself to its curiosity.

To ponder same, one would reflect how beautiful and promising the meaning of these strings our, it pushes us to believe more and more into idea of fate-destiny, and obviously one's true love.

"So the braided cords that we make are the art and represent the flow of time itself. They converge and take shape. They twist, tangle, sometimes unravel, break, and then connect again"

- Hitoha Miyamizu (Musubi - knotting)

We all are connected to each, it's all ordained, do not let go of these little things you see, these notions of higher space, one where you could be. The very anime "Your Name", emphasizes on very aesthetic idea how love is not bounded by time, place, people, it is evident to happen, one could breathe millenium in it and have the most overwhelming experience (and suddenly I am hopeful.)

Caught in a never-ending game

Seems like the world's still trying to tame me

If that's the way, I will obey

Beautifully struggle every day

Should we have a little moment?

While seeing both of our hourglasses

Let's make a plan to meet somewhere that is

The most far from "goodbye"

- sparkled (rephrased)

“Treasure the experience.Dreams fade away after you wake up.”


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