A faint clap of thunder,
Clouded skies
Perhaps rain comes
If so, will you stay here with me?
Thunder struck the ground
I see clouded skies
It suddenly rains
While I stand your side
Wind is high
This is kanto's will
To ado lovers sigh
A faint clap of thunder
Even if rains come not
I will stay here
Together with you
under this hazy sky
Wind so high
Like it's gonna rain all tonight
Let's just sit here Little more
You and me under this
for a while
I think this might
This might be
The happiest
Time of my life
I think I have fallen in love for you
Sprouting some random Tanka, a genre of classical Japanese poetry and one of the major genres of Japanese literature. The first stanza is from anime "Garden of Words" and rest my further entailment much abstractly worded. Set in rainy season in place "Kanto", the poetry is about unsounded bond shared by individuals but still maintaining boundaries and respect, but at same time not sure for so. The symbolism in it (story) addresses the human experience with various angle. It has despicted a strong theme of distance and romanticizing the innocent eagerness of kids, the emotional rawness of teenagers, typically in contrast to adults which are often depicted as burdened by everyday life and no longer living the same rich emotional life as younger people. the characters in it. Do watch this anime, share your views in comment box below.